Last update: April 9th, 2024.
Here you can find all the software, hardware and services that I regularly use, and a bit of context around each one.
In general I'm not a fan of hardware. I have always been more interested in the software that runs on the hardware.
This is the laptop I use for work and it's provided by the company. For the more curious, it is 13 inches, it has an M2 chip, 16GB of RAM and 256GB of storage.
These are the default Apple keyboard and mouse that live on my desk at work.
This is the external monitor that I have on my desk at work. The only specification I know is that is 23 inches.
This is my personal laptop. It is the laptop I have been using for most of my personal project for more than 10 years and it's still going strong. It has an Intel Core i7, 1GB of RAM and 64GB of SSD storage.
I'm not a big smartphone user, and this has everything I need. The only issue is that the latest supported operating system is iOS 15, and some apps are starting to require a higher one.
Most of my reading is with physical books, but the Kindle is still extremely useful while travelling and for digital-only books.
reMarkable is a wonderful device, and I use it mostly for reading. I don't like reading papers, documents and articles on the laptop, I prefer to read them on the reMarkable. A few months ago I bought the keyboard as well, so now I also write there usually the first draft of what I want to write.
These are the software that I use on a daily basis. I use most of them both on my work laptop and on my personal laptop. The workflow is very similar.
This is the operating system I use on my work Macbook. I'm not usually very good at keeping up with the latest software updates, so I may stay behind a few versions or even releases.
This is the operating system I use on my personal laptop. It's the best operating system I found for reliability and development.
I use both of these browsers for different use cases. I have a preference for Safari since it's much more privacy-focused.
This is the window manager that I use on OpenBSD. It's simple and it does everything I need.
This is my terminal of choice. Like dwm, it's simple and it works.
I use two different shells. Zsh on MacOS and ksh on OpenBSD. In both cases it's the default choice for each operating system.
This is what I use on both operating system as a terminal multiplexer. Most of my time is spent on a single terminal with tmux.
My editor of choice for (almost) everything.
I use emacs org-mode for everything about writing. Every time I need to write something that is not code (notes, thoughts, etc.) I use emacs in org-mode for that.
For most of my email processing. Both personal and work related.
I use it as a fallback in case someone only send me a HTML emails.
These are the external services that I use to manage most of my personal stuff.
This is the hosting provider I use for this server.
To handle all my domain registration.
Everything is stored in Dropbox, so it can be easily shared between devices and the data is safe.
For my personal email I use Fastmail. It's a very good service privacy-focused and it's not too expensive. A very good balance.
To store all my git repositories.
When I need a more powerful machine for testing purposes AWS provides what I need.